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"The Holy Week"

DECEPTION or IGNORANCE?   “HOLY WEEK”    Holy Week as most Christians, and church goers referred to is the week of Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem riding on a horse back- that was the only account in the Bible where Jesus rode a horse- with the locals giving Him a king’s, and a hero’s welcome laying palm branches, and their clothes as they lined up on the road side as if He had conquered a whole army, or came from a battle. They shout with the loudest voice as he decent from mount Olives “ Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.” ( Luk 19:38). The Passion Week, as others calls it continued with teachings, and miracle performed by Jesus; and His betrayal and denial, His death, and His resurrection after the third day. Did he conquer anything? Did He win a battle? Was He a king? The answer to those questions is YES. He conquered fear and accepted to pay for our sins; not with cash, gold, or diamon
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I am developing interest in cultural diversity, and what impact it has on us as emerging leaders, and how we can use the experiences and knowledge gained to develop our leadership skills and abilities. It is often said that striving for excellence is the key to becoming a great leader. I believe that leadership does not have a fix definition, and it changes based on one’s own perspective of leadership. The perspectives of leadership can also change based on one’s own culture taking in to consideration its uniqueness, and understanding multi-culture is important in leadership development. A sustainable advantage of globalization depends on the skills and abilities of a leader who can manage diversity. In pursuit of leadership effectiveness in today’s globalize world, We need to be able to understand, and manage culturally diverse setting effectively. Meeting a wide range of people brings different challenges and advantages in terms of ideas, creativities, innovation, and style

Volunteerism Beyond Borders

A Personal Experience...... I want to use this medium to appreciate God for His Blessing upon my life throughout my journey. He has been faithful. Secondly to AIESEC International , AIESEC Liberia, AIESEC Cote D' Ivoire, and AIESEC Ghana for providing me the opportunities to Explored, Discovered, and Developed my Leadership Potentials while offering my service as we tackle goal # 4 in the UN SDGs . Let me restate that ' The confidence has been put in us as young people to reshape this world, and effect change; but change starts with oneself. Quality Education is paramount to creating a world free of Hunger', not just hunger but a world free of poverty, clean cities, affordable energy, and the provision of quality health for all, just to name a few. As we all connect to each of the Goals, let us not forget Goal # 17: "Partnership for the Goals" as it is very important if we must achieve those goals by 2030. Partnering to achieve the goals starts with the ur

Family Life Education in the Reconstruction Program of Liberia: A Youthful Prospective (Part II)

The Government of Liberia is conscious of the strategic role of higher education for meeting the national manpower needs and for ushering the nation into modernity in science, technology, and development. To this end, Government should take all necessary measures to encourage and promote the partnership with the religious group, individuals and communities in this sector. Government should also encourage any new or emerging partners for as far as the scope and development of such high education institutions conform to the laws and established policies of the Republic of Liberia. Yet still, Liberia is only notable for developing lofty ideas or plans without little or no implementation thereby always wasting scarce and energies from conferences to conferences or from one workshop or seminar to another. Why all the Setbacks? The Education system of Liberia has suffer a tremendous setback as a result of the years of instability which was demonstrated through repeated civil dist

Family Life Education in the Reconstruction Program of Liberia: A Youthful Prospective (Part I)

You have probably heard of the phrase: ' Family Life Education ', but have you wondered what is Family Life Education? What importance is it in the human resource development and national reconstruction agenda? Or how and why should it be introduced in a Countries national reconstruction drive? These are some of the questions that ran through my mind when I first heard of it-that which led me to do a research. Where is it from? After the fourteen (14) years of civil conflict, there is no doubt that so much of the Liberian life style and standards have been seriously affected as life was lost, infrastructure and other identities destroyed. Not only was there a great loss of lives and properties, but there was also a great neglect of the once respected moral, cultural, religious and educational values across each spectrum of the Liberian society, especially amongst the young people. As a result, they no longer pay attention to their expected attitudes and beh

Abortion (an unjustifiable Act)

Abortion (an unjustifiable Act) Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo from the womb before it can survive on its own, or we will say it is the termination of a child in a mother’s womb before birth. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about spontaneous abortion, also known as miscarriage, which is the unintentional expulsion of an embryo or fetus before the 24 th week of gestation, or therapeutic abortion- less than one-tenth of one percent of the abortions done in the world today- which is performed to preserve the health or life of the mother. More women have an abortion for suitability than women who have an abortion to save their own lives Medical or chemical abortion on the other hand is purposely induced by abortifacent pharmaceuticals-this is what I’m talking about. A question, which will always be argued upon, is whether abortion is justified or not. Others will debate that when the foetus is inside the womb, it is not a person y

The Effect of social Media on the Liberian Society

Social Media is a strong platform where people from all treads of life meet and interact. Each person comes from diverse background and uses the social media platform for a different reason altogether. As a result, it is important that we choose the right set of friends online as it is difficult to screen the people whom we might be interacting with. But regardless of all its positive contributions the social media has brought to the Liberian society, it also has a relatively huge   negative effects on Liberians especially the students, in work places, in our homes, in hospitals, banking halls and other Liberian service providing places. Let’s briefly take a look at the definition. According to the online dictionary, Webopidia, Social media is a term used to describe a variety of Web-based platforms, applications and technologies that enable people to socially interact with one another online. Some examples of social media sites and applications include Facebook, YouTube, Twitte